Thursday, April 28, 2011

Warriors working hard. Fans Q and A.

     Our performance in Dallas was great. We all showed up and played our hearts out. We were working as a team and making so many clutch plays. I have never played so many game 5's at a tournament before. We are the game 5 champs!  I'm not disappointed in how we placed just ready to start gaming and prepare for Columbus!

    We took our breaks and are getting back to practice now. During MLG Dallas I learned a lot. I know our weaknesses and strengths. I know what I have to work on and I will be gaming hard and watching films. We have a lan set up at the lan network house the week before the event. Tune in to see the games at  As of now BTH, FB, Instinct, Darkest Hour, and Warriors will be at the lan. So its going to be some solid practice.

    I'm  also heading out to thelannetwork house for the Pros vs Joes on May 6-8. Check it out its going to be sick. If you like it sign-up for the next one in the summer!  Message "Mr P" on TLN for more info.

Here are all the answered questions from everyone. Enjoy.

What is your favorite video game of all time bedsides Halo?
NBA Jam because it will always be a classic. Charles Barkley is so sick!

What is your favorite moment from an MLG event?
Winning Halo2 Nationals in 2007 and not dropping a game.

What do you get at Chipotle? Down to the sauces and mix of add-ons.
Burrito: Chicken, EXTRA Chicken, rice, a little bit of black beans, corn salsa, medium salsa, sour cream, chess and lettuce.
But then my Chipotle burrito varies a bit from day to day, this is my most common mood!

What trials and tribulations did you encounter on the way to become a pro gamer? How did you overcome the challenges and how have they helped you grow as a person?
I dealt with many ups and downs to the game, but I would try my best to figure out every little detail about the game and my opponents to give me the edge on them. I had to work hard and be strong. Its helped me become the player/person I am today.

Why do you care about your fans so much?
I enjoy giving back because my fans give me the support I need at tournaments. They've helped me come this far and I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have any. I try to write back to everyone on facebook/twitter but it can become overwhelming when a tournament draws closer, so I apologize if I haven't written back or it's taking awhile. I love my fans and my fans love me! haha

Does online to LAN change Reach more or less then Halo 3?
Hard question, both games are much different online than to lan. But, I'm going to say they are the same when it comes to online to lan. The big difference online is the host. If someone across the country is hosting it will be worse than someone hosting in your state or a nearby state. On lan it doesn't matter too much who's hosting, its just a matter of how to use host to your advantage.

What do you think about reach so far, compared to halo3?
GREAT. Absolutely love playing it. It has its individual aspects and team aspects just as the past halos. Its nice to have something new as the bloom shot, it takes much more individual skill than a 3 shot burst.

You helped shape Status Quo into what it has become? what do you think of their victory?
I helped Flamesword and Ace, not assault and enable. I'm glad they pulled off their first win because they deserved it. They are all great players.

How was the 07 FB so good at beavercreek?
Haha nice question. We knew the spawns, routes people took and how to break other teams set ups. We knew the best positions to set up in and had such great teamwork our setup couldn't be broken. It took a lot of work from all of us and it paid off well.

Skyline chili or Goldstar chili?
DIXIE CHILI..the Alligator. Try it out if your in the greater Cincinnati area!

How can you improve your teamwork? Other than taking criticism and communication.
Always listen to callouts and use them to make your move. Try to work off other people don't depend on people working off you all the time. You will be surprised how well you play if you make plays off of what your teammates do.

Do you ever talk trash to random kids online that you meet in MM?
Not really, the most would be a pistol whip to the body, but its all in good fun.

What are your gaming routines, rituals, and pet peeves?
I don't really have any routines or rituals. I guess you could say when I'm playing with my team, we talk about what to do on each game type. Other then that, I don't personally have anything. As far as pet peeves go, playing with people who don't call out. I'm not trying to take it so serious, but it's not enjoyable if no one calls out. 

Are you going to set up a stream anytime soon ?
I don't think so. Getting a stream set up is a bit too much for me to handle right now with all the networking and gear I would have to get. I don't see it happening in the near future. Unless I had the help from someone that knew what they were doing.

With all the team changes that have been going on, what team do you think is "the team to beat?"
Every team. Its only the second event and the game is still evolving. Game types may be different for Columbus. We have to be prepared for what they throw at us. Every top team is putting in the practice and gaming hard. We have to show up as a team.

do you actually enjoy halo reach compared to the legendary halo 3?
I don't know if I'd call Halo 3 legendary…haha. I love Reach, it's so much better than Halo 3. I like having sprint, bloom shot and especially the new aspects it has brought into competitive Halo.

How were you first introduced into the game halo?
My buddies always came over to my place to lan Halo 1 and once Halo 2 came out we played online a lot. Then a friend from high school came over and told me about MLG and competing for tournament winnings.

You got your start in Halo 2, and that game allowed for individual skill and team skill. Halo 3 removed most of the individual skill from the game. How do you feel reach compares to Halo 2 in terms of allowing for individuals as well as a team to shine?
It is a much quicker pace game than Halo 3 which brings in a lot of individual skill and team skill to the game. You always have to be on your feet and know what's going on. People are always saying that communication is key, but another aspect is taking the time to actually listen to your teammates to get that important kill.

do you ever still play any previous halos? if your bored etc?
I do not. I wish i did. I really only play Halo for the competitiveness. I enjoy playing other game types on Reach such as Tremors and dodgeball. I just bought stagecraft, we'll see how it goes haha

What's it like teaming with Elamite after all of these years? Was it meant to be? (Nohomo)
Haha. We've been buddies for a long time so it makes it easy to work with each other. Its great that we live so close to each other that we have the ability to play side-by-side to work on our duo-teamwork.

Do you miss being on final boss?
No, we had a great run. Now it is Warriors time.

If I send you my MLG tee shirt will you autograph it :)?
Haha, I'm not sure about that. Giving out my personal address? hmmm. Yes. PM me on Facebook we'll talk.

 Flamesword: Is it true you hustled Flamesword and Ace in 2v2's at the Winter LAN with Walshy?
haha. The rematch is open anytime.

Do you think sprint is good for gameplay? why or why not?
Yes, it is good for gameplay along with everything else that Reach has. With the right combination of things, you can become pretty lethal. Example: rockets and evade.

How does warriors compare to the other teams you have been on?
With this line up, I feel that each of our playing styles compliment each other thus making our team work.

If video games wasn't your life what would you want it to be and why
I would want to do something competitive. I'm a very competitive person in everything I do. Maybe the next Michael Phelps or Kobe Bryant? :) haha. If it's not something in sports, I would want to go into business. Go to college, earn a degree and take over the business world.

Gameplay agaisnt old instinct.

4 man charge to win the game 50-49. They never expected it.

Playing Tremors and was super kicked by the masterchief...

Until next time.

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